[python] 체크 확인(Check the Check) - 정규표현식
정규표현식 사용
소문자는 화이트, 대문자는 블랙이므로, 이를 구별하기 위해 정규표현식을 사용합니다.
import re if re.match("[a-z]",text): print "소문자"
해당하는 자리가 원하는 말이 있는지 확인하는 함수
def isKing(r,c,e): if r > 0 and r < 8 and c > 0 and c < 8 and map[r][c] == e : return True else: return False
변화값을 사용하여 이어지는 줄에 원하는 말이 있는지 확인하는 함수
dr, dc 값을 이용하여, 계속해서, r,c 값을 변경하여 확인합니다.
def lookFor(r,c,dr,dc,e): while True: r += dr c += dc if r < 0 or r >= 8 or c < 0 or c>= 8: return False if map[r][c] == e: return True if map[r][c] != ".": return False return False
각 말마다 다른 방향을 갖도록 설정하여 말을 확인합니다.
def lookForR(r,c,e): if lookFor(r,c,1,0,e) or lookFor(r,c,-1,0,e) or lookFor(r,c,0,1,e) or lookFor(r,c,0,-1,e): return True else: return False def lookForB(r,c,e): if lookFor(r,c,1,1,e) or lookFor(r,c,1,-1,e) or lookFor(r,c,-1,1,e) or lookFor(r,c,-1,-1,e): return True else: return False def lookForQ(r,c,e): if lookFor(r,c,1,1,e) or lookFor(r,c,1,-1,e) or lookFor(r,c,-1,1,e) or lookFor(r,c,-1,-1,e) or lookFor(r,c,1,0,e) or lookFor(r,c,-1,0,e) or lookFor(r,c,0,1,e) or lookFor(r,c,0,-1,e): return True else: return False
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- import re def isKing(r,c,e): if r > 0 and r < 8 and c > 0 and c < 8 and map[r][c] == e : return True else: return False def lookFor(r,c,dr,dc,e): while True: r += dr c += dc if r < 0 or r >= 8 or c < 0 or c>= 8: return False if map[r][c] == e: return True if map[r][c] != ".": return False return False def lookForR(r,c,e): if lookFor(r,c,1,0,e) or lookFor(r,c,-1,0,e) or lookFor(r,c,0,1,e) or lookFor(r,c,0,-1,e): return True else: return False def lookForB(r,c,e): if lookFor(r,c,1,1,e) or lookFor(r,c,1,-1,e) or lookFor(r,c,-1,1,e) or lookFor(r,c,-1,-1,e): return True else: return False def lookForQ(r,c,e): if lookFor(r,c,1,1,e) or lookFor(r,c,1,-1,e) or lookFor(r,c,-1,1,e) or lookFor(r,c,-1,-1,e) or lookFor(r,c,1,0,e) or lookFor(r,c,-1,0,e) or lookFor(r,c,0,1,e) or lookFor(r,c,0,-1,e): return True else: return False file = 'p007.CheckTheCheck.in' f = open(file, 'r') whites = [] blacks = [] map = [] emptyMap = [] emptyMap = [["." for i in xrange(8)] for i in xrange(8)] idx = 0 while True: line = list(f.readline().strip()) if line: map.append(line) continue if map == emptyMap: break idx += 1 for r in range(len(map)): for c in range(len(map[r])): a = map[r][c] if re.match("[a-z]", a): whites.append((r,c,a)) else: blacks.append((r,c,a)) # 각 말을 확인해야 함 bkf = False wkf = False for w in whites: e = "K" r = w[0] c = w[1] a = w[2] if a == "p": if isKing(r+1,c-1,e): bkf = True if isKing(r+1,c+1,e): bkf = True elif a == "r": if lookForR(r,c,e): bkf = True elif a == "b": if lookForB(r,c,e): bkf = True elif a == "q": if lookForQ(r,c,e): bkf = True elif a == "k": for i in range(-1,2): for j in range(-1,2): if isKing(r+i,c+j,e): bkf = True elif a == "n": if isKing(r+1,c+2,e) or isKing(r+1,c-2,e) or isKing(r-1,c+2,e) or isKing(r-1,c-2,e): bkf = True if isKing(r+2,c+1,e) or isKing(r+2,c-1,e) or isKing(r-2,c+1,e) or isKing(r-2,c-1,e): bkf = True if bkf: break for b in blacks: e = "k" r = b[0] c = b[1] a = b[2] if a == "P": if isKing(r+1,c-1,e): wkf = True if isKing(r+1,c+1,e): wkf = True elif a == "R": if lookForR(r,c,e): wkf = True elif a == "B": if lookForB(r,c,e): wkf = True elif a == "Q": if lookForQ(r,c,e): wkf = True elif a == "K": for i in range(-1,2): for j in range(-1,2): if isKing(r+i,c+j,e): wkf = True elif a == "N": if isKing(r+1,c+2,e) or isKing(r+1,c-2,e) or isKing(r-1,c+2,e) or isKing(r-1,c-2,e): wkf = True if isKing(r+2,c+1,e) or isKing(r+2,c-1,e) or isKing(r-2,c+1,e) or isKing(r-2,c-1,e): wkf = True if wkf: break if wkf: msg = "while king is in check" elif bkf: msg = "balck king is in check" else: msg = "no king is in check" print "Game #{0}: {1}".format(idx, msg) wkf = bkf = False map = [] """INPUT ..k..... ppp.pppp ........ .R...B.. ........ ........ PPPPPPPP K....... rnbqkbnr pppppppp ........ ........ ........ ........ PPPPPPPP RNBQKBNR rnbqk.nr ppp..ppp ....p... ...p.... .bPP.... .....N.. PP..PPPP RNBQKB.R ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ """ """OUTPUT Game #1: while king is in check Game #2: no king is in check Game #3: balck king is in check """
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