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Power English에 나오는 단어들 영영사전

by NAMP 2008. 5. 28.

Power English에 나오는 단어들 영영사전
음.. 그러니깐,, 이게 아마도 4월호 였었나.. -_-;;;


Stout rather fat

Dingy dark and dirty

Visage a persons face

Gorge to eat a lot of something, until you are too full to eat

Flabby having soft, loose flesh, fat, weak, with no strength or force

Affirm to state firmly or publicly that something is true or that you support something strongly

Sallow having a slightly yellow colour that does not look healthy

Pine to become very sad because somebody has died or gone away

Antipathy a strong feeling of dislike

Bewilder to confuse somebody


Merchandise goods that are bought or sold, goods that are for sale in a shop/store

Invoice a list of goods that have been sold, work that has been done etc, showing what you must pay

Scratch (out) to decide that something cannot happen or somebody/something cannot take part in something, before it starts

Revise to changes something, such as a book or an estimate, in order to correct or improve it

Cost an arm and a leg to cost/pay a lot of money

Off the top of ones head just guessing or using your memory, without taking time to think carefully or check the facts

Border on to come very close to being something, especially a strong or unpleasant emotion or quality

Transit the process of being moved or carried from one place to another


Potluck a meal to which guest brings some food, which is then shared out among the guests

Freeloader a person who is always accepting free food and accommodation from other people without giving them anything in exchange

Punctual happening or doing something at the arranged or correct time

On the dot exactly on time or at the exact time mentioned


Aborigine a member of a race of people who were the original people living in a country, especially Australia

Correlation a connection between two things in which one thing changes as the other does

Atone to act in a way that shows you are sorry for doing something wrong in the past

Cue an action or event that is a signal for somebody to do something

Culpability responsible and deserving blame for having done something wrong

Compensation something, especially money, that somebody gives you because they have hurt you, or damaged something that you own; the act of giving this to somebody

Oppress to treat somebody in a cruel and unfair way, especially by not giving them the same freedom, right, etc. as other people


Frostbite a medical condition in which parts of the body, especially the fingers and toes, become damaged as a result of extremely cold temperatures.

Ambiance the character and atmosphere of a place

Teetotaler a person who does not think alcohol

Imbibe to drink something, especially alcohol/ to absorb something, especially information

Plummet to fall suddenly and quickly from a high level or position

Shiver to shake slightly because you are cold, frightened, excited, etc.



'Certification > English' 카테고리의 다른 글

TEPS 주요 단어 99개. part 1  (0) 2008.08.11
GMP-2008-05-28-Wed  (0) 2008.05.30
GMP-2008-04-16-Wed  (0) 2008.04.25
GMP-2008-04-15-Tue  (0) 2008.04.25
GMP-2008-04-14-Mon  (0) 2008.04.25
