본문 바로가기

C - Dice Game

by NAMP 2009. 3. 14.


*하다보니, 중간에 너무 꼬여버렸네요. ...컴터 인공지능,,,포기...

*이기면 베팅한 만큼 벌고, 지면 베팅한 값 잃고, 베팅 안하면 -1 입니다.



#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <time.h>


int main(){

 int sel;
 int m=100; // Starting money
 int bm=-1;  // betting money
 int dm=1;  // default money
 int drawBm=0;
 int drawFlag=0;;
 int d1,d2,d3,d4,c1,c2,c3,c4;
 int win=0,lose=0,draw=0;
 char bet='a';


   printf("\n== Dice Game ==     #your money is :$%d,   #no bet :$-%d\n",m,dm);
   printf("1. Game Start\n");
   printf("2. Game Score\n");
   printf("3. End Game\n");
   printf("> ");
    case 1: 
     printf("\n<< Game Start >>\n\n");
     printf("Your Dice sum is : %2d\n",d4);

      if (drawFlag==1)
       printf("\rBetting money is now: %d\t\t\t\n",drawBm);
      printf("\rDo you want to bet ?(y/n) (q.quit): ");
      scanf("%c",&bet); fflush(stdin);
     if (bet=='y'||bet=='Y')
       printf("\nYou have $ %d \n",m);
       printf("How much money want to bet ? : ");
       if (bm<0||bm>m)
        printf("You have to choose between 1~%d (your money)\n",m);
      } while(bm<0||bm>m);


      if (d4>c4){
       printf("You Win, your dice:%d , com dice:%d\n",d4,c4);
       printf("Your Money is %d\n",m);
      }else if(d4<c4) {
       printf("You lose, your dice:%d , com dice:%d\n",d4,c4);
       printf("Your Money is %d\n",m);
       if (m<=0)
        printf("you lose all of your money. \n");
      }else {
       printf("DRAW Game, your dice:%d , com dice:%d\n",d4,c4);
     if (bet=='n'||bet=='N')
      printf("You lose, your money is : %d \n",m);       
    case 2:
     printf("<< Your History >>\n");
     printf(" W  I  N  : %3d\n", win);
     printf(" L O S E  : %3d\n", lose);
     printf(" D R A W  : %3d\n", draw);
    case 3:
     printf("\n Have a good day \n");
   } // switch - sel
   if (bet=='q'||bet=='Q'||sel==2) {
 }// whlie(1)
 return 0;
} //main

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