gmp10 GMP2008-02-10-Sun GMP2008-02-10-Sun GMN Some of the most popular sushi in NY restaurant has some of the highest level of mercury. Bluefin tuna has the most mercury because it’s such a big fish. / level / mercury / bluefin tuna / Officials had estimated nearly 180 million Chinese would travel for the Chinese new year. The storms were blamed at least 55 for deaths / estimate / storm / blame (for) / Their relationsh.. 2008. 2. 12. GMP2008년 2월 8일 금요일 GMP2008년 2월 8일 금요일 GMN Microsoft made a surprise offer of 31 dollars a share for yahoo stock. Yahoo said in a statement, it’ll study Microsoft’s bid carefully and promptly / offer / stock (::stalk) / study / / statement / bid (::bit 2008. 2. 11. GMP2008년 2월 6일 수요일 GMP2008년 2월 6일 수요일 It’s not a good idea to think of the animal while you eating. GMN Their relationship was highly publicized in the media. Surveys found that while many French did not mind the affair, they did mind fact it was so public. / French / media / found / / relationship / publicize / affair / Paraphrasing The president of France is in love Not of course with his wife but with his girl .. 2008. 2. 11. GMP 2008년 2월 7일 목요일 GMP 2008년 2월 7일 목요일 Happy New Year~ We’re one for all. GMN UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-Moon enlisted George Cloony as a messenger of peace for his ability to raise awareness about critical issues. / UN Secretary-General / peace / ability / / enlist / awareness(=knowing about) / critical / Paraphrasing The Secretary General of the Unite Nations, Mr. Ban Ki-Moon said to Hollywood, especially Mr. G.. 2008. 2. 11. GMP2008년 2월 5일 화요일 GMP2008년 2월 5일 화요일 Let’s get the road GMN Officials had estimated nearly 180 million Chinese would travel for the Chinese New year. The storms were blamed for at least 55 deaths. / Chinese new year / Chinese / travel (::trouble) / new year (::supermarket) / estimated / storms / blame (for) / Paraphrasing Stormy weather indeed. In China, the snow has been falling and getting deeper and deeper. Wh.. 2008. 2. 5. GMP2008-02-01-Fri GMP2008-02-01-Fri If you can’t avoid it, enjoy it. GMN Ellen page is young but she is quickly becoming a respected actor. As played by Ellen page ‘Juno’ is prickly loyal and ferociously smart but defensive. / quickly / respected / respectful / loyal / / prickly / ferociously / defensive / Ferociously: "silence broken by dogs barking ferociously" Paraphrasing Welcome to Hollywood. One of the hott.. 2008. 2. 2. 이전 1 2 다음