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입이 트이는 영어 2016.08.29

by NAMP 2016. 8. 30.

입이 트이는 영어 2016.08.29

Talk about a time when you had problems with your computer

Last week, I tried to fire up my laptop, but nothing happened.

It simply refused to boot up.

I called up my computer guru friend.

He gave me a few pointers.

None of them worked.

My computer had given up the ghost.

I took it to a service center.

The technician there ran some diagnostics(진단하다)

He said that the culprit(죄인, 범죄자) was a critical error in the hard drive.

For the life of me(도무지), I couldn’t figure out how it happened

I was forced to pay top dollars(a lot of money) to replace hard drive.

Even then, I wasn’t out of the woods

I had to re-install all the programs I use.

Thankfully, I had backed up most of my documents.

I downloaded those from my cloud account.

It was tedious(지루한) process that took several days

  • can you give me some pointers?
  • guru: computer expert
  • boot it up = fire up
  • tedious : 지루한
