1. 改良 Improvement
2. 渡す Put across
3. 生産 Production
4. 余る Be left(over)
5. 結ぶ Tie, knot, bind
6. 呼吸 Breath
7. 警備 Security, police
8. 豊富 Rich, abundant
9. 首相 Prime minister
10. 都合 Convenience, pleasure
11. 流行 Fashion, trend
12. 観察 Observation, watch
13. 最大 Biggest, largest
14. 列島 Archipelago
15. 耕す Cultivate, plow
16. 担当 Take charge of, work, cover
17. 警告 Warning, caution
18. 返す Return, bring back
19. 飲酒 Drinking, drink
20. 配る Deal, distribute
21. 政府 Government, administration
22. 農産物 Farm products
23. 重ねる Pile, lap, lay on the other
24. 戻す Return, put back
25. 働く Work, labor, serve
26. 予報 Forecast, prediction
27. 汚染 Pollution, contamination
28. 恐れる Fear, scare, dread
29. 論文 Paper, thesis, dissertation
30. 被害 Damage, harm, Injury
31. 逆 Reverse, contrary, converse
32. 筆跡 Handwriting, writing
33. 簡単 Easy, simple, plain
34. 募集 Recruitment, collection
35. 情報 Information, news
36. 鋭い Sharp, acute, keen
37. 恋愛 Love, romance
38. 印刷 Print, press
39. 血液 Blood
40. 憲法 Constitution
41. 接触 Contact, connection, touch
42. 技術 Technique, skill, art
43. 権利 Right, claim, privilege
44. 改善 Reform, improve
45. 単純 Simple, elementary
46. 異なる Differ, vary, disagree
47. 爆発 Explosion, blast, Eruption
48. 連続 Series, sequence
49. 法律 Law, legislation
50. 優勝 Victory, Championship
51. 首脳 Summit, head, leader
52. 原因 Cause, origin, source
53. 述べる State, express, mention
54. 認める Admit, confess
55. 雇う Employ, hire, engage
56. 操作 Manipulation, operation
57. 混乱 Confusion, disorder, whirl
58. 責任 Responsibility, Liability
59. 小包 Package, parcel
60. 議論 Argument, discussion
61. 比較 Comparison, parallel
62. 平均 Average, mean
63. 占める Occupy, take, stand
64. 共感 Sympathy
65. 大切 Important
66. 閉める Close, shut, slam
67. 働き Function, working, action
68. 旅行 Travel, journey, tour
69. 計画 Plan, schedule, project
70. 去年 Last year
71. お土産 Souvenir, gift, present
72. 厳しい Severe, Strict, rigid
73. 拾う Pick up, find
74. 部品 Part, component, section
75. 預ける Leave, check, trust, keep
76. 快適 Comfortable, pleasant, fine
77. 存在 Existence, being, presence
78. 付近 Neighborhood, vicinity,
79. 増加 Increase, rise, growth
80. 大陸 Continent
81. 暮らす Live, dwell, do, get along
82. 位置 Position, location, station
83. 機会 Chance, opportunity
84. 約束 Promise, engagement
85. 管理 Management, administration
86. 巻く Wind, roll, reel, role up, coil
87. 破片 Fragment, flake, shred
88. 原因 Cause, origin, source, root
89. 製造 Production, Manufacture
90. 迷う Lose the [one’s] way, lose
91. 蒸発 Evaporation, vaporization
92. 解く Untie, undo, unpack, unwrap
93. 普及 Popularization, spread
94. 頼む Ask, request, beg, order
95. 経営 Management, running
96. 返す Return, bring[give] back
97. 輸入 Import, importation
98. 式 Ceremony, exercise
99. 防犯 Crime prevention
100. 盗難 Robbery, theft
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