1. 集会 Meeting
2. 負ける Lose
3. 手伝う Help
4. 他人 Other people
5. 打破 Defeat, get rid of
6. 詳しい Particular, detailed
7. 日程 Schedule
8. 調子 Condition
9. 予選 Heat, preliminary contest
10. 乗り切る Overcome
11. 届け Report, notice
12. 届く Arrive, reach, come
13. 慌てふためく Panic
14. うたた寝 Nap, nod
15. 揺らす Shake, swing
16. 避ける Avoid, escape
17. あるいは Perhaps, or
18. しらずしらず Without knowing it, unconsciously, before one knows it
19. 滑り込む Slide, slip
20. 保つ Keep, hold
21. 華やか(な) Gorgeous, showy, brilliant
22. 盗む Steal, rob
23. 隠す Hide, conceal, bury
24. 鉄砲 Gun
25. 経済 Economy
26. 苦情 Complaint, grievance, grumble
27. 頼む Ask, request
28. 慣れる Be accustomed to, used, accustom, adapt
29. 厳しい Severe, strict, rigid
30. 用意する Prepare, provide, arrange
31. 増やす Increase, multiply, gain
32. 横 Side, Width
33. 成るべく As…as possible, if possible
34. 壊れる Break, crash, come tumbling down
35. 役員 Officer, official, director
36. 亡くなる Die, pass away
37. 誤る Apologize
38. 言い訳 Excuse, Apology
39. 建てる Build, construct, erect
40. 大勢 Many people, crowd, flock, host
41. 賑やか Busy, lively, noisy
42. 巣 Nest, den, lair
43. 経つ Pass, go by, go on
44. 丸い Round, circular
45. 寂しい Lonely, lonesome
46. 渡す Ferry, get across, take across
47. 札 Bill, note
48. 細菌 Bacteria, bacillus
49. 最近 Recently
50. 墓 Grave, tomb
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