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일어 단어 #4

by NAMP 2008. 11. 6.

1.                      春雨(はるさめ) A spring rain

2.                      梅雨(つゆ) The rainy season

3.                      にわか(あめ) Shower, scurry

4.                      小雨(こさめ) A light[()slight]() rain, Drizzle, sprinkle

5.                      霧雨(きりさめ) Drizzle, misty rain, mist

6.                      大雨(おおあめ) Heavy rain, downpour

7.                      (つら)い Hard, bitter, heavy, miserable, tough, painful

8.                      ()かべる Float, launch, visualize

9.                      (あらわ)れる Appear, emerge

10.            迷惑(めいわく) Trouble, annoyance, inconvenience

11.            (まよ)い Hesitation, waver

12.            (かま)う Care, mind

13.            ()える Get over, go over, cross

14.            ()える Stand, bear, put up with, endure, tolerate

15.            がっかり Disappointed, downcast, dejected

16.            不幸(ふこう) Unhappiness, misfortune, misery

17.            後遺症(こういしょう) Hangover, sequela, aftereffect

18.            (わめ)く Shout, yell, roar

19.            潜在(せんざい) Latency, potential

20.            (だま)す Deceive, cheat, Swindle

21.            ごまかす Deceive, cheat, swindle, trick

22.            見逃(みのが)す Miss, overlook, pass, go by

23.            つまらない Dull, boring, monotonous, dreary

24.            団体(だんたい) Group, party, team, association

25.            合意(ごうい) Agreement, settlement, understanding

26.            契機(けいき) Opportunity, chance

27.            がらっと Dramatically, suddenly, completely

28.            会話(かいわ) Conversation, dialogue

29.            取引(とりひき) Business, dealing

30.            福祉(ふくし) Welfare

31.            政策(せいさく) Policy, deal, politics

32.            自慢(じまん) Boast, brag, pride

33.            にきび Pimple, acne, spot

34.            敏感(びんかん) Sensitive, Delicate, susceptible, responsive

35.            子分(こぶん) Follower, hanger-()on, man

36.            ちっとも Not(・・・) at all, Not(・・・) in the least

37.            輪郭(りんかく) Outline, silhouette, contour

38.            目隠(めかく)し Blindfold, screen

39.            誘導(ゆうどう) Lead, guidance, induction

40.            ふと Suddenly, accidentally, By chance

41.            (うなが)す Urge, prompt, challenge, inspire

42.            (しも) Frost

43.            ()く Stick, adhere, have, attach

44.            ()う Do up, dress

45.            (ことわざ) Proverb, saying, adage, proverbial

46.            雀斑(そばかす) Freckle, fleck, freckled

47.            化粧(けしょう) Makeup

48.            (はげ)しい Violent, severe, heavy, intense, bitter

49.            法律(ほうりつ) Law, legislation, legal

50.            (のぞ)ましい Desirable, preferable

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