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Power English에 나오는 단어들 영영사전 Power English에 나오는 단어들 영영사전 음.. 그러니깐,, 이게 아마도 4월호 였었나.. -_-;;; Stout – rather fat Dingy – dark and dirty Visage – a person’s face Gorge – to eat a lot of something, until you are too full to eat Flabby – having soft, loose flesh, fat, weak, with no strength or force Affirm – to state firmly or publicly that something is true or that you support something strongly Sallow – having a slightly yello.. 2008. 5. 28.
GMP-2008-04-16-Wed GMP-2008-04-16-Wed GMN It was the largest diamond of its kind ever on offer at an auction in Asia, and Sotheby’s had hope to sell it for as much as 13 million dollars / diamond (women’s best friend) / the largest / Asia / thirteen million dollars / / offer / auction / as much as / Paraphrasing Save your money, get your credit card. In Asia, they recently was an auction and very famous auction ho.. 2008. 4. 25.
GMP-2008-04-15-Tue GMP-2008-04-15-Tue Arrange your life. Killing two birds with one stone. GMN The New York times reports Microsoft may partner with Ruper Murdoch’s News Corp if more funds are needed / Microsoft / New York (big apple) / if / needed / / report / partner (join, come together, marry) / fund / Microhoo, yagle, Paraphrasing According to the news, in fact, according to the New York times, They say the v.. 2008. 4. 25.
GMP-2008-04-14-Mon GMP-2008-04-14-Mon Coffee for everybody. I guess the key point is moderation. Please get addicted to this GMN Plants are a vital part of the earth’s eco-system, and they’re just as crucial in the artificial environment of an orbiting Space station / plant / earth’s / artificial / space station / / vital (signs) (=crucial, very important) / orbiting / 015B / Paraphrasing Plants are very, very imp.. 2008. 4. 25.
GMP-2008-03-22-Sat GMP-2008-03-22-Sat 1010235 GMN Patrik swayze 55 will need to be strong as he faces life threatening cancer. We just want you to feel better. / Patrik swayze / strong / want you to / / face (when you do not run away from a problem, when you look at your obstacles and handle them directly that you face your problems) / life threatening / cancer / Paraphrasing Holley wood movie stars are humans too.. 2008. 4. 5.
GMP-2008-03-21-Fri GMP-2008-03-21-Fri GMN A Kansas sheriff says a man should be charged for allowing his girlfriend to sit on their toilet for two years, So long (that) she began(became) stuck to the seat / says / allow / seat (sit on the seat) / / sheriff / charge (be charged with crime) (charge to my credit card) (charge down the field) / stick (stuck) / Paraphrasing Somewhat strange news out of Kansas in the Un.. 2008. 4. 5.