Certification/English107 GMP-2008년 2월 28일 목요일 GMP-2008년 2월 28일 목요일 GMN Google is launching a health service that will store medical records. Each health profile will be password protected / google (*gogo?!) / google it (=try to find it) / medical / protected / / launch / store / profile / Paraphrasing The internet, Google, Google is connecting its all, connecting the dots like one ant connected to the next. Ah, beware the Trojan horse. Goog.. 2008. 3. 5. GMP-2008년 2월 27일 수요일 GMP-2008년 2월 27일 수요일 GMN Secretary Rice praised Mr. Lee’s inaugural-speech pledge to fortify the South Korea-U.S. alliance, and said the relationship between the two countries will remain strong. / praise / relationship / two countries / / secretary / inaugural speech / pledge / fortify / alliance / Paraphrasing Congratulations to Korea and Koreans, for having a new president at the beginning of.. 2008. 3. 5. GMP-2008년 2월 26일 화요일 GMP-2008년 2월 26일 화요일 GMN Among those popular items this limited edition scale model of Beijing national stadium. It’s called bird’s nest (name of stadium) (selling like hot cakes) / Beijing national stadium / items / model / stadium / / limited edition / scale model / bird’s nest / it’s time to leave the nest / Paraphrasing The Olympics are here, coming to china And it’s time to celebrate, comme.. 2008. 3. 5. GMP-2008년 2월 25일 월요일 GMP-2008년 2월 25일 월요일 I know the answer, two lips. GMN The Red Cross recently launched a revised emergency appeal for more then ten million dollars for flood victims in Southern Africa / recently / red cross / launch (lunch is good food middle of the day) / revise / appeal / Paraphrasing The Red Cross a very well-known international charitable organization often helping people everywhere. They of.. 2008. 3. 5. GMP-2008-02-24-일요일 GMP-2008-02-24-일요일 Just remember, to have a good friend, you’ve got to be a good friend We have free hugs for you GMN The highlight of the journey for the 106 member orchestra will be a concert in the capital of North Korea. It showed that we had not forgotten them. / highlight (the most exciting time) / journey / orchestra / The end to the strike means the Hollywood’s annual celebration, the Ac.. 2008. 3. 4. GMP-2008년 2월 23일 토요일 GMP-2008년 2월 23일 토요일 Learning is never end story. Don’t throw in the towel before the game begins. It’s not over till it’s over. GMN Fidel Castro announced he is stepping down as leader of Cuba after nearly half a century. He said, he no longer has the strength to continue. / Fidel Castro / Cuba / strength / Fidel Castro: Cuban socialist leader who overthrew a dictator in 1959 and established a .. 2008. 3. 4. 이전 1 ··· 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 ··· 18 다음