Certification/English107 GMP-2008년 2월 16일 토요일 GMP-2008년 2월 16일 토요일 Not eat or eat right Eat well, live well GMN While you’re walking around think of all the energy you’re wasting. A team of researchers announced that they captured the excess energy generated by walking / walking around / energy / wasting / / capture / excess / generate / Paraphrasing Your body is a machine while you’re walking around your heart is beating faster, your body .. 2008. 2. 17. GMP-2008년 2월 15일 금요일 GMP-2008년 2월 15일 금요일 True determination is an unstoppable force. To be or not to be, to do or not to do GMN She sells out a nationwide concert tour. Now, Miley Cyrus and pop star alter ego, Hannah Montana are selling out movie theaters / concert / star / theater / / sells out (to complete sell) / nationwide / alter ego Paraphrasing Who’s Miley Cyrus?, Miley Cyrus has been doing very well with he.. 2008. 2. 15. GMP2008-02-14_목요일 GMP2008-02-14_목요일 GMN An illegal kidney transplant ring has been uncovered. And it’s sparking debate about medical ethics and organ transplant laws / uncovered / sparking / laws / / transplant / ring / medical ethics / Paraphrasing The bad guys have been discovered. The illegal ring has been uncovered These bad guys have been stealing kidneys performing illegal surgeries and selling there intern.. 2008. 2. 15. GMP2008-02-13_Wed GMP2008-02-13_Wed Little tree, broccoli, GMN The Tata Nano has a sticker price of only 2500 dollars. The world’s cheapest car. There’s no radio, no air-conditioning, and only one windshield wiper / cheapest / radio / only / / sticker price / air conditioning / windshield wiper / Paraphrasing Are you with champagne taste but on a beer budget? Now there’s a car for you the Tata Nano It happen to b.. 2008. 2. 15. GMP2008-02-12_화요일 GMP2008-02-12_화요일 GMN According to the scientists, children who ate with their family were less likely to drink, smoke, do drugs and have eating disorders / family / eating / according to / drink / / according to / be less likely to / eating disorder / Paraphrasing Scientists and researchers are once again telling us something that we already know. Families that are close in their relationship d.. 2008. 2. 15. GMP2008-02-11_Mon GMP2008-02-11_Mon Contains so much happiness Monday blues GMN Architects in Holland are turning adversity into opportunity. They are designing a new Holland one that could actually float / Holland (Netherlands) / opportunity / actually / / architect / adversity / float / Paraphrasing Well, those in Holland who are responsible for solving problems are using their brains. In fact the Architects th.. 2008. 2. 15. 이전 1 ··· 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 다음